Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lafayette Peach Festival

We had a great time at the Peach Festival! We had two tents set up, with a nice display of our members' work. Throughout the day we took turns demonstrating how we do our various arts, which garnered a lot of interest from people passing by.

It was a very hot day, but Lisette had set up a fan to provide some cooling in the corner of our booth. We were all really thankful for that!

I took so many photos I can't post them all, for today I'll post a few photos of what our display looked like. More will be showing up here soon.

Anne is shown here talking to a customer. You can see Wira's photo art and my oil paintings on the wall behind her. On the table in front of her are Sheila's beautiful and totally functional Polymer clay items (too many to name) and Anne's clocks.

On the right is Kris' pottery display. I bought the larger of the light green containers, it's on my stove full of dried herbs I use while cooking. I love having useable art in my home.
I didn't get good photos of all of Dee's watercolors, these few give you an idea of her talent.

On the end table were cards, mini watercolors from Dee, and Polymer clay.

Lisette displayed some terrific hanging lamps made from found items. She called them Lady Gaga lamps, they're shaped like dresses. Everyone wanted one of those!

Lisette also brought the coolest weaving I've ever seen -all belts!

Most of these objects have been or will be part of our Gallery, right next to Rockies Coffee at the Library in Lafayette, Colorado. We'd love it if you came to visit!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Moore exhibit at Botanic Gardens

If you haven't seen the Moore exhibit at the Botanic Gardens I highly recommend it. Great art in a great place. Well worth the trip to Denver.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Arts & Eats 2010 Annual Event

The Lafayette Art Center hosted its annual Arts & Eats event this past weekend. We had some wonderful volunteers to help us do our art projects with kids. We had bubbles, Lyle the Crocidile, smoothies from Rockies Coffee, and a number of arts projects.

You can take a look at the slideshow of all of the photos by clicking here.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beginner Blog

Hello, thanks for dropping in on our new blog. I do oil paintings and display them at the Gallery in the Lafayette Library, sometimes I even sell one or two. This one is part of a series of 10 I did as a commission, for a friend who loves Irises. This was done mostly with a palette knife, which was new to me, so it was really fun.
I mostly do still life paintings, but also I love to do landscapes and flowers.




In a great little book, "Art and Fear," the author suggests that "the function of the overwhelming majority of your artwork is simply to teach you how to make the small fraction of your artwork that soars." That rings true to me, but it is also a little frustrating...with limited time for art, it seems like the great art works are likely to be few and far between! Malcolm Gladwell also pointed out that people who are the best at what they do typically spent a huge amount of time practicing. So the challenge is to make the time and DO MORE ART!

Different Authors Can Now Post

Hey all LAC Artists,

Now I've figured out that I can set our blog to have different authors. So, I'll try to paste everyone's email into the form. One you accept the invitation (and if you have a google account, if you don't sign up for a gmail.com account they're great) then everyone can publish as different authors!
